Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti is an organisation which has transformed the lives of thousands of students from rural areas. Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti is a registered charitable trust under Maharashtra Public Trust Act 1950 with Charity Commissioner Office, Pune having Registration No. E-219 (Pune). Senior mathematician Dr. Achyutrao Apte, freedom fighter Haribhau Phatak, Smt. Sumitratai Kerkar and others started the work in 1955 with the objective of arranging lodging and boarding facilities at very affordable cost in Pune to boys from economically weaker sections willing to struggle to achieve a goal. The mission started by arranging meals for 5 students in the families of local citizens. As the next step, arrangement for boarding was also made for them. Samiti is not merely a lodging and boarding ; here, apart from providing these facilities, maximum importance is given to the task of personality development. Samiti functions on the principles of cleanliness, equality and dignity of labour.

 Room : Room : One room is assigned to 3 or 4 students depending on the size of the room. Each student is provided with a cot, a mattress, a table and chair, a cupboard, a fan, etc..
 Mess : It is mandatory for all students to take meals in the hostel’s mess only. 2 meals are provided everyday :one in the morning and one in the evening.

Library : Each hostel has a library containing text books and other books for the benefit of the students. Efforts are made to inculcate the habit of general reading in the students.
Computers: There are well equipped computer labs for students in each hostel. Students can use these labs for study-related work. Some computer courses are also conducted with the help of experts.
Health Centre : After admission, each student has to undergo a medical check up. Doctors’ services are available in the hostels for preliminary treatment. In case a student has to be admitted to a hospital, his parents are informed  and they have to bear the medical expenses.
 Sports : Sports equipment is available to students for indoor and outdoor games. The students get used to winning and losing apart form the benefits.