Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti (SAMITI) is a non-Government charitable organization set up in 1955 at Pune (Maharashtra state / India) by Dr. Achyutrao Apte and his colleagues and provides lodging, boarding facilities at a nominal cost to students (boys and girls) from economically weaker section of society coming to Pune to pursue higher education.
SAMITI also conducts various educational and other programmes aimed at personality development and character building for the benefit of the students.
Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti (Popularly knows as ‘Samiti’) is a public charitable trust located in Pune, Maharashtra state, India. Registration No : E 219 under section 50 A (3) of the Public Trusts Act 1950.
Samiti’s activities are not limited to providing lodging and boarding facilities to students at concessional rates. Its main objective is to help in developing their personality. Several activities and programmes are organised to achieve this. Samiti’s goal is to transform these youths from rural areas into well cultured and confident persons through various activites such as Group discussions, English classes, English presentation, yoga, sports (compulsory) , cultural programmes (competitions in various activities such as cooking, debating, elocution, story telling, etc.), lectures of experts from various fields, educational tours, entrepreneurship development programme, management of the hostels by students themselves, etc.
Samiti is not merely a lodging and boarding . Apart from offering accommodation and meals at concessional rates it attaches more importance to development of personality. Cleanliness, equality and dignity of labour are the three pillars on which Samiti operates.
Each room is well ventilated with windows and fans and accommodates 3 to 4 students. Each student is provided with a bed and mattress, a table and chair and a cupboard. There are clean toilets and bathrooms with hot water supply.
Other facilities include computer centre, a well-stocked library and a spacious reading hall, a health centre, sports equipment, etc.
Board of Trustees: (2023-2026)
Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti is a charitable trust under Maharashtra Public Trust Act 1950 registered with Charity Commissioner Office, Pune having Registration No. E-219 (Pune).
Mr. Pratap Pawar
Trustee, Karyakarta
Mr. Tukaram Gaikwad
Permanent trustee
Dr. Bhausaheb Jadhav
Permanent Trustee
Mr. Tushar Ranjankar
Managing Trustee
treasurer ,Karyakarta
Mr. Sanjay Amrute
Trustee , Karyakarta
Mr. Ratnakar Mate
Trustee, Advisor
Mrs. Sunanda Mane
Dr. Jyoti Gogate
Trustee , Karyakarta
Vinaya Thombre
Mrs. Preeti Rao
Dr. Makarand Phadke
Mr. Chandrashekhar Potnis
Mr. Prakash Apte
Trustee , Karyakarta
Mr. Nandakumar Talekar
Trustee , Karyakarta
Mr. Manojkumar Gaikwad
Mr. Chandrakant Kulkarni
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Durgesh Pawar
Chief Executive OfficerVidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti
Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti is a registered charitable trust under the Maharashtra Public Trust Act 1950 with Charity Commissioner Office, Pune, having Registration No. E-219 (Pune).Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti is not only a place for accommodation and meals for the students but also the Sanskar Kendra – Shri Uttamrao Nirmal
Appeal to alumni
Appeal to well-wishers
Samiti is not merely a lodging and boarding house. Apart from providing lodging and boarding facilities at concessional rates, more importance is attached to the concept of personality development of the students. Samiti operates on three principles : Cleanliness, Equality and Dignity of Labour.