Samiti’s ex-students who benefitted from their stay in Samiti are now active in various professional areas. Some are abroad. They have proved themselves in various fields like teaching, journalism, engineering, architecture, business, dramas/movies, etc.
The Ex-Students’ Association (Maji Vidyarthi Mandal) has been functioning since 1991. Shri S.Y.Nadkarni, Karyakrta and ex-Rector Shri Ramakant Tamboli took tremendous efforts and did the spadework for this. The Ex-Students’ Association is now a registered independent organisation. A gathering of ex-students is organised on the last Sunday of February every year. This has been done consistently for the last 30 years. The Association also plays an important role in the students’ activities. Several ex-students are now the members of Samiti’s Board of Trustees or are Karyakartas. Some ex-students have set up information centres in their areas for providing information about Samiti and its activities to needy and prospective students. The ex-students collect information regarding these students and send their recommendations to Samiti. Ex-students also collect funds through various activities to provide financial support for Samiti’s operations. Recently, the ex-students collected Rs. 1 crore for Samiti through Tamboli Sir Prerana Nidhi. Workers, poor people and students suffered tremendously during the recent Corona pandemic. The ex-students provided more than 1.25 lakh meals to the needy during this period. They also actively encouraged tree plantation in villages all over Maharashtra in 2020 to generate awareness about protection of environment. Many students could earn under the Earn and Learn scheme during this campaign.

Appeal to Ex-Students

We all are aware that we would have faced many difficulties in completing our education in Pune if Samiti did not exist. Samiti was second home for us. We all are one Samiti family and that is our strength. Samiti’s Chairman feels that Samiti’s ex-students are like Oxygen for the society at large. We all have no doubt that you must be doing excellent work wherever you might be.
Please do visit Samiti whenever you can. Find out or see for yourself what is new. Help new and promising students in your area reach Samiti. Accept guardianship of Samiti srudents. Because only you can be the reaql guide for them. Please do everything possible to help Samiti progress in the changing times.
Tukaram Gaikwad,
Tushar Ranjankar